upfit.ca’s Privacy Policy does not create any legal rights or obligations.

Upfit.ca writing service is committed to preserving clients’ privacy and contact information and will not knowingly share, disclose, or sell personal contact information for unsolicited communications purposes. Upfit.ca will ONLY share private information if permission to do so has been obtained, OR, if compelled to do so by law.

Upfit.ca writing service is committed to preserving its clients’ business information. Shared information will be used ONLY for the purposes agreed upon, such as might be reasonably expected for the purposes of providing writing services such as for: research, editing, and the development of written materials: copy, content, et al.

Upfit.ca does NOT use cookies to track or collect information about its users, either through the use of its writing services or visitors commenting on posted content on The Up blog.

Upfit.ca maintains a standard log file which compiles traffic statistics, which includes a visitor’s IP address, date/time of access, and browser. Upfit.ca visitor log is reviewed for site administration purposes and for traffic metrics to evaluate and improve site ranking, et al.

NOTE: the above terms of use and conditions may be changed or revised without notice.


Upfit.ca may repost links to external websites operated by third parties. Upfit.ca is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these websites, including the use of personal information collected by these websites. Links posted on upfit.ca are for visitors’ interest only and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of upfit.ca.

NOTE: the above policy terms and conditions may be changed or revised without notice.